Income statement accounts

Income statement accounts are those accounts in the general ledger that are used in a firm’s profit and loss statement. These accounts are usually positioned in the general ledger after the accounts used to compile the balance sheet. A larger organization may have hundreds or even thousands of income statement accounts, in order to track the revenues and expenses associated with its various product lines, departments, and divisions. The income statement accounts most commonly used are as follows:

An organization located in a unique industry may find that it requires additional accounts beyond the ones noted here. Alternatively, they may find that certain accounts are of no use. Thus, the exact set of income statement accounts used will vary by company.

Presentation of Income Statement Accounts

Not all income statement accounts will appear separately on a reporting entity’s income statement. When an account contains a small ending balance, it may be aggregated with the balances from other, similar accounts and then included in the income statement as a single line item. The following exhibit contains an income statement that could have been derived from several hundred income statement accounts.