Prove It! Game Rules

Hey there! I’m here to tell you all about the exciting Prove It! game rules. So, pay attention and get ready to have a blast!

First things first, let’s talk about how to play this awesome game. Prove It! is a game that challenges your knowledge. It tests how well you know facts about different topics. The goal is to prove that you’re a true expert in all sorts of subjects!

To start the game, you’ll need a Prove It! pack. Each pack has a bunch of cards with questions on them. These questions cover a wide range of topics like history, science, sports, and many more. Get your hands on a pack, and you’re ready to go!

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the game rules. Here’s how it works: one person acts as the game master and reads out a question from the pack. The other players have to prove that they know the correct answer. They can use their knowledge or even search for clues to back up their answers. Whoever presents the best evidence gets the point!

But here’s the twist: the game master can also challenge the answers given by the players. They can ask for more specific details or demand proof to validate their claims. It adds a fun and exciting element to the game, keeping everyone on their toes!

Now, let’s talk about scoring. Every time a player proves their answer, they earn a point. The game master keeps track of everyone’s points, so it’s important to make your case as strong as possible. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins the title of Prove It! champion!

So, are you ready to step up to the challenge? Prove It! is the perfect game to test your knowledge and have a great time with friends and family. Get your pack, gather your loved ones, and let the games begin!

Remember, Prove It! is all about showcasing your expertise and having fun. So, brush up on your trivia, gather your evidence, and get ready to prove that you’re the ultimate expert in any subject. Good luck and have a blast!

How to play Prove It Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Want to win bets and show everyone how capable you are? Or maybe you’d rather make smart side bets on others? Either way, you can be the first to collect five Cards and be the ultimate winner!

Getting Started

First, let’s set up the game. Put the Spinner and the Timer right in the middle of the playing area. Place the Task Cards in their holder on the playing area. And don’t forget to keep the Proof Cards stacked face down on the side.

Now, it’s time to bring out the Hoop, Cup, and Ball!

How to play Prove It Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Game Play

Hey there! So, you’re interested in playing this amazing game, right? Well, let me tell you how it works. The person who came up with the idea of playing this game will be the first Challenger!

Now here’s where it gets exciting. We’re going to spin the Finger Spinner to find out who you’ll be playing against – your Rival! The player closest to where the spinner stops becomes the Rival. How cool is that?

How to play Prove It Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s how it goes. I’m the Challenger, the one who spun the wheel, and it’s my turn to take a Task Card. This card could be one of four types:

Now, here’s where the fun part begins. As the Challenger, I make a bet on how well I can do the task. Then, you, the Rival, have a chance to counter my bet. But it doesn’t stop there. I can counter your counter, and so on, until one of us decides to call the other’s bluff. And how do we do that? By saying those magic words: “Prove It!”

Example: Let’s say you draw a card that challenges you to name as many ice cream flavors as you can in 30 seconds. The card asks you to bet on how many flavors you can name, so you confidently say you can name 8. But then your rival counters, saying they can name 10 flavors. Feeling determined, you up the stakes and claim you can name 11 flavors. Your rival accepts the challenge and says, “Prove it!”

How to play Prove It Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Welcome to the ice cream naming challenge! Are you ready to put your naming skills to the test?

Here’s how it works: you have 30 seconds to correctly name 11 ice cream flavors. Sounds simple, right? Well, there’s a twist – if you make a bet, you have to follow through on it!

If you successfully complete the challenge and name all 11 flavors in the given time, you get to keep the card. But if you’re unable to complete the task, the card goes to the other player.

Now, it’s time to determine the new challenger. The person to the left of the current challenger will spin the finger spinner to determine the next rival for the next task. The new challenger then draws another card and the cycle continues.

Buddy System Tasks

If the Card I draw is a Buddy System Card, we’ll work together instead of competing against each other! The rest of you will act as referees, and if we succeed, we both get a point. One of us keeps the Task Card, and the other gets a Proof Card.

Sometimes, there will be TWO teams:

Team vs. Team: I choose a teammate, and the Rival chooses one too. Then, we start betting. (If there are only three of us, we can either pick an extra card or I can take on the challenge alone!)

Proof Cards

These special cards can be used for extra points in Buddy System Tasks or as “props” in some tasks.

How to play Prove It Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Accept or Pass

Here’s how this game works: I have a choice to either accept the task or pass it on to you. If I accept and complete the task, I get to keep the Card as a point. But if I can’t do it, then you get the point!

All Play

This is a task where everyone has to play! The winner of the task gets the point!

Additional “props”

Some tasks might require extra things like a spoon or a coin. But if you don’t want to use your own props, just skip those Cards and move on!

Side Betting

If you have some Cards, you can make a side bet when two other players are doing a task together. But remember, the Challenger and Rival can’t make side bets.

So, here’s the deal. Let’s say you’re player number three in this game. Now, you have a chance to make things interesting by betting one of your cards against player number four (or whoever else is playing). You’re basically betting on whether player number one will actually complete the task. Exciting, right?

If you guess right and player one does complete the task, then you win! And as a reward, you get to collect a card from the other players. But remember, you’ve got to make your bet quickly, because you don’t want to give player one any extra time to prepare.

How Do I Know If I’m Right?

Good question. Well, the group decides whether an answer is correct or not. So, if you’re unsure, you can always ask the group. And if that’s not enough, feel free to look up the answers online. It’s all about having fun and keeping the game fair!

How to play Prove It Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

The Game Ends

When I collect five Cards, I win the game!